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Tuesday, February 17, 2015


delphi twiter


Both desktop and mobile, in development on several occasions the need to have our application interact with other applications of the target platform in our development.

Straight to the point

Let's cut to Delphi and start a Multi-Device application (File-> New-> Other-> Multi-Device Projects-> Blank Application).


There is no doubt that the instant messaging application Whatsapp snapped up big for communication via mobile devices, in this post we will see how punch it direct from a Delphi XE7 application. As a reference we will use the FAQ Whatsapp , there is no explanation of how to do through the Android in Java, our work here is only in the "conversion" to Delphi. Let the project, go to the Delphi XE7.

How to get SMS messages from the Android inbox using Delphi XE7

for fetch sms messages from the Android inbox please check this code: uses SysUtils, FMX.Helpers.Android, Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText, Androidapi.JNI.Net, Androidapi.JNI.JavaTypes, Androidapi.JNI.Telephony; function FetchSms:string; var cursor: JCursor; uri: Jnet_Uri; address,person,msgdatesent,protocol,msgread,msgstatus,msgtype, msgreplypathpresent,subject,body, servicecenter,locked:string; msgunixtimestampms:int64; addressidx,personidx,msgdateidx,msgdatesentidx,protocolidx,msgreadidx, msgstatusidx,msgtypeidx,msgreplypathpresentidx,subjectidx,bodyidx, servicecenteridx,lockedidx:integer; begin uri:=StrToJURI('content://sms/inbox'); cursor := SharedActivity.getContentResolver.query(uri, nil, nil,nil,nil); addressidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('address')); personidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('person')); msgdateidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('date')); msgdatesentidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('date_sent')); protocolidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('protocol')); msgreadidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('read')); msgstatusidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('status')); msgtypeidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('type')); msgreplypathpresentidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('reply_path_present')); subjectidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('subject')); bodyidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('body')); servicecenteridx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('service_center')); lockedidx:=cursor.getColumnIndex(StringToJstring('locked')); while (cursor.moveToNext) do begin address:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(addressidx)); person:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(personidx)); msgunixtimestampms:=cursor.getLong(msgdateidx); msgdatesent:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(msgdatesentidx)); protocol:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(protocolidx)); msgread:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(msgreadidx)); msgstatus:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(msgstatusidx)); msgtype:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(msgtypeidx)); msgreplypathpresent:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(msgreplypathpresentidx)); subject:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(subjectidx)); body:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(bodyidx)); servicecenter:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(servicecenteridx)); locked:=JStringToString(cursor.getString(lockedidx)); Result:=IntToStr(trunc(msgunixtimestampms/1000))+' '+address+' '+body; end; end;

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Google Material Design and FireMonkey?

Google Material Design and FireMonkey?

Google Material Design

A few weeks ago Google has officially released the specifications of the Material Design , the new guidelines for the GUI of Android applications.
It is a very extensive documentation that covers many aspects of mobile application GUI and definitely will take some time before all these proposals are absorbed by developers around the world.
Some applications very popular but have already released updates including elements of the Material Design and of course there is no better source of inspiration of the same Google applications (Chrome, Google+, Play Store, Play Music, ...).

Workaround for error EBitmapLoadingFailed on Android Lollipop

Workaround for error EBitmapLoadingFailed on Android Lollipop


There is a bug in Delphi XE7 why Android will not boot on Lollipop (Android 5.0). In particular, they go to crash immediately after displaying the splash, because EBitmapLoadingFailed exception that is raised during the loading of the images contained in the file .fmx. 
The same application (same APK) run smoothly on Android versions prior to 5.

There are a couple of threads about it, on social-network:

Describes a workaround (which I have applied to the beta version of ColorMapp this morning) that is to load the graphic resources (TBitmap) at runtime rather than leave them embedded in the application resources (thus preventing a loaded through a call to TBitmap. LoadFromStream, which seems to be the critical point of failure).

Steps to apply the workaround:

1) Save to disk all the bitmap of each form

(Handy if you have already uploaded the pictures at design time, less useful if you are writing an application from scratch)

To simplify the process, I wrote a piece of code that iterates on the components of a form and saves all of the bitmap that is TImage.
You can look at the function of SaveAllImagesToDisk ImageDumpUnit.pas unit , found in my GitHub repository:

For example, in the event OnCreate of form I added:

{$ IFDEF mswindows}
SaveAllImagesToDisk (Self);
{$ ELSE}
LoadAllImagesFromDisk (Self);

Running the application on Win32 platform, you will generate a folder with subfolders images_dump (one for each form) with images saved in PNG files.
The $ ELSE branch of the compiler directive is executed for example on Android, so the Win32 application dumps and the Android application tries to dynamically load images from the storage device.

2) Remove all bitmap resources (.fmx)

The easiest (but requires to act manually on each component of your form with a bitmap) is to:
  • empty all entries of MultiResBitmap (eliminating all versions of the bitmap);
  • empty the TBitmap (eg. the properties StartValue / StopValue of TBitmapAnimation), opening the component editor and pressing the Clear key;
If you have many TBitmap and empty them manually seems impossible, you may act directly on the DFM, looking all occurrences of Bitmap. 

3) Load at run-time images corresponding

Again you can take advantage of the function LoadAllImagesFromDisk ImageDumpUnit.pas unit , taking care to call it for example in the event OnCreate of your form.

4) Add to deploy all PNG files generated in step 1

Through the deployment manager of Delphi, add the PNG file so that they are distributed with your application. Take care to indicate how RemotePath, the value 'assets / internal / images_dump /' followed by the name of the corresponding form.

5) subsidiaries have no other TBitmap

For example, I realized that the problem also with TBitmap (not just TMultiResBitmap) present in many components (eg. The TBitmapAnimation). To these I solved manually (mimicking the behavior of LoadAllImagesFromDisk) but it may make sense to automate the dump and load dynamic even those.


It 's all, following these steps I have solved the crash of my application XE7 ColorMapp on Android 5.0 Lollipop and currently I have a beta running on my Nexus 5.
Account to promote the beta in production just made tests on some other device.

Barcode Scanner on Android and iOS - Read and produce Barcode with Delphi XE7

In a previous blog post , we saw how it is possible to control third-party applications via Intent(Barcode Scanner) to easily implement the functionality of reading (and production) of a bar code from your Delphi application (XE5) for Android. 
I decided, after some requests received via email, to publish this update that takes advantage of the support (introduced in version XE6 and illustrated by Brian Long in his blog post ) to handle the event onActivityResult . 

In the old version of this example (for XE5), in fact, sfruttavo the system clipboard and event management application to understand when, once started Barcode Scanner in read mode, the user had actually concluded scanning a barcode. 
Thanks to the fact that Barcode Scanner scanned copy the code to the clipboard, so I could get in my application Delphi string with the text corresponding to the bar code. 

Read and produce Barcode with Delphi XE5 (Android)

There are several online articles about how to integrate the reading of barcodes in mobile applications Delphi (find the link also later in this post).

We will now see an approach that allows you to add the scanning capabilities and production of barcodes (and / or QR code) in a Delphi app (Android), without the need to install third-party components or fill in your app libraries of third parties.

Everything is based on the interaction, mediated by the operating system, with an existing application (widespread, free and available on Google Play Store) which is called Barcode Scanner (license details here ).

Develop Android applications with Delphi

You can create apps for Android devices including phones, tablets, and now Google Glass with Delphi. Develop Android apps quickly in the RAD Studio visual designer and code editor to deliver high performance, natively compiled apps for the best user experience. You can then simply select the iOS target to deliver a compiled native iOS app from the exact same codebase. You can also target Windows and Mac OS X with the exact same codebase.
for See more than 20 Android code snippets and demo videos for Delphi and RAD Studio see this page

delphi android play mp3 audio from http internet source

in delphi xe7 sample you can find  Native Music Player Demo in android and ios

How can check network is available on Android ( Delphi XE7 )

this code help you to check for network is available on Android 

Friday, February 6, 2015

How can handle a back-button press in a Delphi XE7 Android app?

if you need  make Android app react to the back-button
Right now, most of the demo applications have an on-screen back button to go back to a previous screen. Pressing the physical button always seems to quit the app, and in some situations it results in an access violation.


how can send sms form delphi app in android?
please see this examples

Example 1:

Delphi Android how can get phone number of the existing simcard

for get the number of the existing sim card to the desired device
you ca use this code but maybe not work in all android device


Find Android Device Mac Address With Delphi XE

For find wifi mac address in android  device can use this code

wifimanag is wifimanag is = (wifimanag is) getsystemservi by (context.wıfı_servı by); wifiınfo Winfo = wifimanager.getconnectionınfo (); String MacAddress = wınfo.getmacaddress ();

How Can Find Mac Address in IOS with Delphi XE App

For get mac address in IOS device can use this code

 {$ ENDIF}

 there is
 Device: uıdevi end;
 {$ ENDIF}
 Device: = tuıdevice.wrap (tuıdevice.occlass.currentdevi by);
 ShowMessage (device.uniqueıdentifier.utf8string);
 ShowMessage (device.identifierforvendor.uuıdstring.utf8string);
 {$ ENDIF}


android Native message box, these messages can be created with .xml I would like to share their screen. 

Exactly what are they? 

Where it makes sense that the device screen (Editor, combo, trackbar) that there was no place to place or in the display of the image are the tools you can use is a serious inconsistency. 

Example: With a Combo Object Editor will open as soon as you clicked on an object, you can assign more choice. 

You will understand that you use a structure that can be used in more places. 

Parente as "tcustomedit" can give objects derived from the class. 

If you comboboxsettings and trackbarsettings returntext area in section automatically returns True value of the parent object that will be written. 

Android Youtube Component For Delphi XE7

if you need use video from you youtube account in you android application you can use this component

 was part of the YouTube video that is part youtubeıd equal sign (=) in the post there 

When you write and getdesign option "True" if you can see the video information automatically as you'll see below. 

Tested with XE6. 

Note: in the sample project file:

1) First video shows the options playable resolution.
Is broadcast as video can be played on your YouTube videos and you can see after the device application that can play the video in the drop-down options.


2) First "youtube1.downloadfold" and must specify where you want to download. After the video resolution indicates the options and the choice can be downloaded after the start of the download process. 
"Ondownload" percentage of video downloaded in the event that you can see the file size and download time. 

2.Delphi -Android Play Sound

Android Play Sound From Stream File
From Delphi IDE click on "Project". Then select "Resources and Images...". Choose your media file and set it as RCDATA. Remember your resource identifier. Note: Make sure the media type is supported by TMediaPlayer otherwise it won't work.

procedure PlayAudio(ResourceID: string);
ResStream: TResourceStream;
TmpFile: string;
ResStream := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, ResourceID, RT_RCDATA);
TmpFile := TPath.Combine(TPath.GetTempPath, 'tmp.mp3');
ResStream.Position := 0;
MediaPlayer1.FileName := TmpFile;

Important Note: Most of my code into notepad deposited collected from different sources. For this reason, do not specify a majority in the source. Such is the case and you have a code that you know the source of the spell would be requested to notify the comments. Regards.

1.Installing the USB Driver for Your Android Device (step by step)

Installing the USB driver is a required step in setting up your Android device for mobile application development.
To install the USB driver for your Android device, follow the instructions from the device manufacturer. 
For manufacturer-specific information, see: